
📫 davidinfante1997@gmail.com

Computer Engineering graduate at University of Granada, Spain. Specialized in software engineering. Currently working as a software engineer in Madrid!
I really like developing stuff while keeping my code clean and learning new things 😎
I can communicate in spanish (native), english (C1) and japanese (N5).

Some languages or frameworks I have worked with:

JS TS Vue Angular Python NodeJS MongoDB MySQL

I also like:
🎮 🎵🎸 🥳🎉 🍴 🚴‍♂️

Feel free to contact me anytime 😁

What I do

Computer Engineering Degree - University of Granada, Spain

2015 September - 2021 March

Specialized in software engineering, I learned how to develop and quickly learn and pick up new technologies.
I also learned about good practices, problem solving, agile methodologies and teamworking!

Work Agenda

2021 February - 2021 March

Work Agenda is a self-developed project with the purpose of administrating a law firm. Developed using Angular for frontend, Flask for the backend and MongoDB as the database. Also uses Angular Material for the UI.
The application fulfils the purpose of administrating clients, records, appointments and so on. The user can also check appointments between date ranges among other useful functions like creating views for printing record covers or finding items using the multiple filters the application has.
Check the video on the right for a demo (some parts might be censored due to personal information).

Amura IT

2021 June - Now

Working as a Full-stack developer, developing a web app using VueJS, NodeJS and MySQL.
